I am a electronica music producer, Comic Artist and a Front End Webdeveloper!!!

The Amazing @YouriX

Age 36, Male

FrontEnd Webdev

Netherlands - Born@Haiti

Joined on 1/4/08

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YouriX's News

Posted by YouriX - February 15th, 2010

A pretty awsome theme song i made for my online comic coming soon on www.yourix.nl

Okay its a little complicated story about a genius trying to obtain imortality. Thats the theme i am going for in this comic. In the comic i will try to illustrate why he wants it and how he will obtain it (If he obtains it). This story plays in a fantasy like world. By doing this it will give me alot of creative freedom. And ofcourse i will make a little animation for promotion here on Newgrounds hopefully it will get attention.

If your a animator and your somehow interested in my comic idea and even want to animate it please hit me up a PM i'll try to give you a very detailed script or a sketched comic. I will not pressure you in any way and will not demand a super awsome animation (If you could it would be awsome!)

The comic has only three basic colors just like my website! Purple,Black and Grey. Wich would make it alot easier for the development of the animation.

Below a rough art of MR.VanVizuard not really happy about it its still in development :(www.yourix.nl

Does your ears want some love? Click here <3

Posted by YouriX - January 23rd, 2010

Yep me a Audio Artist a NG Drum&Bass Artist known for his songs like MachiRAa Black Steel or Daughter Of Justice have decided to go into the Animation world!
Some of you know this already!
Some of you just honestly dont care...

Still!! I feel obligated to tell you people of my awsome animated flash projects!!
I am now busy making a Three yes not two not one but THREE EPS of FlowerBrush!! Completly random episoide with no story whatsoever!


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Alcohol is BAD hmmm..KAY?!?

Posted by YouriX - December 14th, 2009

Yeah.. i want to give my apologies to Hulalaoo for being such a impatient douchbag :(
Srlsy! Now that im into flash animations now. I realise now how much work is put into this! When you want to make a really good flash animation you need planning and so on.

I went over board. That is why i want to say sorry for me being like that :,(

Read this and this to understand why the heck i made this post.

So i think i will make this animation myself. If Hulalaooo still wants to animate it. He can do so if he wishes ;)
(Infact i fully encourge that!)
Here is a character i created for the animation needs work but will see. Character

On other news WHEN FANS ATTACK!! picture below.

This happend when i send a PM to all of my fans that if they dont want to be updated about my new songs they should delete me from there fav artist list.
I do this to filter out people who think that im just spamming them.
So instead of just deleting me from his list he does this.....(picture below again)
Some of you are going like.. why not just NOT pm this dude about your new songs?

Well since my fanbase is growing (alot!) i cant always keep track. Ofcourse i reconise my fans here and there. But still i want to mindlessy PM my fans on my list! But i cant do that with a hater in my list.

Also in my defence i dont use the Amenbreak on all of my songs! EVEN IF I DID there are MY SONGS i can do whatever i want with them! >:P


Posted by YouriX - November 28th, 2009

As some of you know. I am a Music Producer mainly Drum&Bass. But i am also a comic artist (Website here) who wishes to become a animator.

So i finally made a animation its a Frame by frame work and im proud of it! I even made a Track especially for it! ~~~SONG~~~

The Cartoon

But i also uploaded it on youtube and a few days later i get this!

Its not great work but i love it! Because its a flash made based from a Cartoon i made! God if someone else actually made a good perody i'll DIE!!!! DDD:


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My first FLASH and already a PARODY!!! >:(

Posted by YouriX - November 11th, 2009

Srsly! latley ive been getting reviews with people saying "your last songs where of better quality then this new one"

Hey news flash! Im only human! I put all my effort in evrey song i make!
And most of these people dont make music! Or are terrible at it! Or there just envy of me?

I dont know....

I am no God nor Titan nor a Wizard or any sort of High super being with the ability to poop out gold and spit out musical mastepieces.

I am only a 21 years old guy who studies Interactive media in Holland. I live in a dirty Flat and i survive on student loans. I also like to draw comics on my wacom tablet (www.yourix.webs.com)

I am a simple guy and i dont have any heavy equipment to produce tracks i use a desktop computer wich runs on WindowsXP wich runs a DAW called Flstudio wich i produce my tracks with.

See? I look more human now huh? So dont tell me to use real Violins in a studio or contact the famous Drum&bass band Pendulum to help me out! I SIMPLY CANT DO THAT!!

Below a drawing i made.


Posted by YouriX - October 24th, 2009

Chaoz AirFlow RemiX

Right Click a new Tab the link above 5Vote it. So you can read on.

Anywho i am really planning on making a Art comic for the Art Portal. But im to darn nervouse! I dont know why but i just wanna do it right in one try! You can see the sketch below i made. Also im studying Interactive Media and i cant lie Newgrounds might have played a role in this.

Speaking of Newgrounds. My condolence to the family of Ben Spurgin.

Believe it or not i do remember Stick Slayer i was i think pretty young back then to remember alot but i do remember liking it because i wasnt a really big fan of stick figures back then and i liked the way how the Stick Slayer just came along and owned al the stickmen.

Now i have nothing against stickmen flashes since now ive become mature. But the Stick Slayer will always have a special place in my heart :)

I mean Ben Spurgin is one of those people who made newgrounds! We cant just forget our legend.

Having a NG Memorial page is a darn good idea ;)

Chaoz AirFlow Remix + My own Comic + Condolence to Ben Spurgin Family

Posted by YouriX - October 6th, 2009

My Music

Wow, i have comed a long way. And my music has improved dramatricly! You can hear all about it once you download my free album! From my website! Here is a direct link to go to my MusiX page http://yourix.webs.com/musix.html
Also you can donate money to support me! Thru paypal! Oh yeeeaah i mean business. >:)

My Comics

Anyways! Is not going that well with my comics havn't made a new page for the Wicked Adventures of Bliky. Not looking good. But my drawing ability have increased! And since i am studying Interactive Media, you'll be expecting a flash cartoon really soon from me!

My life and music

Well as far as my life. Things are going surprisingly really well. Got over a girl i used to like and getting lucky with an other one :P. Everything is all and well so far with my real life. Even thou its was a big bummer, That my song didnt make it in the new madness game from Tom. He did PM a apology for not being able to use one of my songs MachiRAa Black Steel. To my suprise Tom faved that song a long time ago and i didnt know nothing about it!! I gotta check the favourite list more often maybe i might find another NG celeb there :P
Even thou my song didnt make it, i am happy that i am getting more and more attention from well known NG artists!! But i wont be able to produce songs any time soon since my Desktop computer crashed :( I am using rigth now my Acer mini Aspire One laptop. Pretty handy, but useless when it comes to making a decent Dnb song.

Also someone used one of my album songs in his youtube film wich is pretty cool!

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And below here the album cover made it in Photoshop CS3.

My Music, My Comics and My life

Posted by YouriX - August 4th, 2009

Aah the long awaited moment of wich all of us where dieing to know!
I have to say that it was really really hard to judge this compitition.
There where so many good submissions! I had to think twice before i made the decicion.
Well after me and the judges where spamming each other on who should win or not. We have come to decide
who deserves the title of the AMENBREAKER!!

The Golden AmenBreaker

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /248801

The Silver AmenBreaker

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /249938

The Bronze AmenBreaker

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /248312

The Fabulous AmenBreaker

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /255193

The winners can get there banners here!

The ones who helped with the compitition
Dexterpowercrush The king of Ambient!

Boney-man Flash Artist and DnB lover!

Quarl Elite User! And also a very skilled DnB artist!

Koriigahn Known for his famous ParaBreaks Samples! Really awsome drumloops i would totally recommend them!

Zenan Very skilled Trance/House artist would totally blow your mind!

[IZK] One of my most fav DnB artist here on Newgrounds. And also a over all nice fella! Very skilled in the production of DnB!

Contest link:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 72075/1

Thread with the results:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 89883


Posted by YouriX - July 12th, 2009

Well some time ago i made a newspost asking for a fightscene animator. And in a few minutes i got a respond from a very talented frame2frame animator Hulalaoo. Evrey thing was all and well we where PMing each other about the flash project. When evreything was set, he said he would start animating!
And i thanked him for that! So i waited for a while and asked about how the progress was going. But he didnt respond. Wierd.. So days after i decide to PM him again, but also no respond agian okay... So after a few weeks or so i decide to PM him today. But then got to a page where he blocked me! I was like what?
So okay maybe he didnt want to animate anymore but that is completly okay but please PM me about it.
Or maybe i did something wrong? Please tell me about that to! Dont just leave me hangin?
So now i ask again to the animators of NG are you willing to animate something for me? This time your free to decide what concept to create with my music! I just want somebody to use my song in a good flash! Is that to much to ask?

Songs i recommend!

-:YRX:- DaughterOfJustice
-:YRX:- SpaceDnB

In other news!

The AmenBreak Contest
Going on in the Audio Forum right now!
LInk! http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 72075

Its a pretty awsome contest i created! You can join for fun! If your a music artist and your interested you can enter! Just copy and paste the link of your submission for the contest!

Songs that have been deleted.
As you may see i have a very slim number of tracks. That is because ive been deleting some of my really bad songs. To give my better tracks a bigger chance of exposer. If you still want to download my old songs you can get them here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/iijjdimn zme/The Forbidden Ones.rar

Posted by YouriX - June 13th, 2009

Yes! The title says it all! I need a animator bad! Why you ask? Well i always dreamed of having a music clip. And i just made this really cool song! Called Daughter Of Justice And one of my fans Bass12 came up with a cool story. That i would like to put also in the vid!

Here i qoute from his review:
Ok, think about a final boss, first battle. The boss is a little rich girl, with a patient attitude, white robe, red eyes and blond hair, a real daughter of justice. The Heros and the girl are in a big place, like a dance hall.
So, from the begin to 1:41, The girl is like :" Let's play a little, shall we." and the first part of the first fight begin.
Then, from 1:42 to 3:15, for the second part of the battle, the girl say: "Enough play now." and she start to attack to kill with her whip.
And finally, from 3:15 to the end of the song, it's final part of the battle where the girl attack with fatal attack while she say: "Now, let's end this!"

Now we dont have to do exactly what he pionted out. But could come up with a idea based on this story! The head character i drew (Picture below) could be the Daughter Of Justice! The heroes are in my hardrive i dont want to give to many details.

Okay so you want to animate? What are the qualifications?
- No stick figures (sorry) That just dont fit the image of my music clip.
- No sprites
- No nude quiet obvious. I want to appeal to a bigger crowd.
- No blood. Maybe i should explain a bit on this. I dont want a to violant movie. Again appeal to a bigger crowd. You can think like a kingdom heart like fight scene where when the characters hits each other shiny stars come out or other cool neon like effects happens. Be creative!

What is it in for you?
Well more exposer silly! I have a very nice fanbase. Of loyal listeners that i also like to call as friends. And they sure bound to look at your animation or even add you as there fav. Animator! And who knows how this will effect your ad rev. Hell we might make some bucks on this!!

You can contact me by hittin me a PM. Im almost evrey day online (Actaully evrey day). So we can disscuse how where going to approach this.

In Need of a Fight Scene Animator!!