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Anywho i am really planning on making a Art comic for the Art Portal. But im to darn nervouse! I dont know why but i just wanna do it right in one try! You can see the sketch below i made. Also im studying Interactive Media and i cant lie Newgrounds might have played a role in this.
Speaking of Newgrounds. My condolence to the family of Ben Spurgin.
Believe it or not i do remember Stick Slayer i was i think pretty young back then to remember alot but i do remember liking it because i wasnt a really big fan of stick figures back then and i liked the way how the Stick Slayer just came along and owned al the stickmen.
Now i have nothing against stickmen flashes since now ive become mature. But the Stick Slayer will always have a special place in my heart :)
I mean Ben Spurgin is one of those people who made newgrounds! We cant just forget our legend.
Having a NG Memorial page is a darn good idea ;)
Nice pic.
Hey thanks alot! :)