When i first gave myself this username i was following a trend. When i was younger X was put behind a lot of things like cartoons, movies and even on some food products. So basically it just sounded cool and I was making a lot of Drum and bass and Megamen remiXes back then. YouriX was in short Youri Extreme.
But now..
I have changed spirituality and physically the X stands now for something different. I have an X in my name for the same reason Malcom X has it.
I'll let Malcom X tell you why he has an X.
Now, I still use my last name and i haven't converted myself to the Islam (I just love bacon to much). What i did change is my music production.
Yes! An new age has begun for me. First i made Megaman remixes and then some really bad Techno songs from there i started producing DnB after that which seems natural I started making Dubstep.
My new phase in my musical adventure is now Glitch Hop, mix with some blues and Jazz. This is really new for me and I will make mistakes. But that is what makes it so much fun! I am starting from scratch discovering new things as I go along. Maybe over a year or two I might do something completely different again.
People change the YouriX from a few years ago is not the same YouriX you see before you. I might scare off some of the fan base I have now, but I need this so I can develop not only as a musician but as a human being.
And as a symbol of that I changed the color of my cd icons on my audio. Why not?
Here my new song:
There's no such thing as "spiritual", the same way there's no such thing of what you "see" in an everyday cloud. It's all ambiguity and desperation of your psychical insubordination conglomerating to keep the "game" going; a game of illusions, also known as "the language game" -- it exists outside, as well as within. We keep the labels coming, and we keep assuming and pretending we know of anything about this world, others or ourselves, when we blatantly have zero tools to do such. Therefore your entire "spiritual" movement is existentially flatulent and psychically desperate. If you are needing to "change", then perhaps you need to stop "changing" on the surface, and understand what you are repressing inside you. The only logical reason why you want to change, is because you're "unhappy" -- if you don't know could cause this, you're changing out of sheer futility through futility as though the only thing you've managed to live through, is futility.
Aah, but i must disagree! Spirituality is more real than you think. Like in every human culture that exists there is a religion or at least a life style with some set of rules. Either there good or bad that is another discussion.
You may perceive life as an illusion but to me its as real as it gets. All the emotions that I have now are as real as you and me. Love, hate, greed all real. Have you ever fallen in love? Or get your heart broken? Its all real! :D
Stop changing? I think not! I do not believe in the evolution theory, but I do accept the fact that life micro evolves. We change not because we want to, but we have to if we want to survive. I simply just embraced my new incarnation. I have finally come to accept my newly found identity.
“Unhappy” is to much of a strong word. I rather say I am not satisfied. Not satisfied with my musical talent. It's far from terrible I know. But I can do better, much better!