In my previous news post i requested animators to make a robot day animation using one of my songs. But it unfortunately never happend here on NG. But to my surprise a 1 year project was made on youtube fueturing a Robot of some kind!
This guy made a pretty cool 3D action animation. Not bad for a student huh!
Songs used:
Anger Inside
MachinRaa RedSteel
These two are old songs so i was really surprised that people would still use them since i got kinda sick of them. :P
And for the music fans a song that will soon to be uploaded here on NG!
Dark N Spark
Thanks. You know I would have posted it here but when I change it into a swf file it was still a bit big. About 35.3 mbs to be exact. Thanks again for such awesome music.
No problem man. Your animation is pretty sick man ;)
To bad it cant go on NG :(