I am a electronica music producer, Comic Artist and a Front End Webdeveloper!!!

The Amazing @YouriX

Age 36, Male

FrontEnd Webdev

Netherlands - Born@Haiti

Joined on 1/4/08

Exp Points:
8,220 / 8,700
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6.93 votes
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Ik haat u omdat ge hollander zijt ^-^

groetjes de zuiderburen

Groetjes! LOL!

altijd vriendelijk blijve ook als ge tege iemand zegt da ge ze haat he :P maja ligt er nog aan vant noorde of het zuide , zuide valt nog mee

Nou ik ben altijd vriendlijk. Dus maak niet uit. En trouwens ik ben niet hier geboren dus ik voel me niet zo gauw beledigd :P

Whoops, misread the 'S'. god fists your face :3

Lol you people are sick ;)

@groundpwndr, there's some flash I know is on here that's not on his favorite. So, he doesn't make everything on here his favorite. So, YouriX's claim is valid.

LOL thanks for looking out for me :P

Very sticky, but remember
TOM FULP IS NOT A DEITY, so take it easy

Oh here on this website he's a freaking GOD and owns everybody mwhahahhhaha!!

Naah but its nice to know that the higher ups on this site has there eyes well in this case ears on my submissions and can come to my benfet.

Look at it this way, you work really hard in a company and spend endless hours on your job or project. It gives a good feeling that the one your working for gives you a thumbs up. Then what happens next? You get a promotion then you go higher and higher and heck even start up your own company!!

Same with me if all goes well my submissions will be heard by more people. More ad revenue comes in. then my website gets exposer then my website will get regs in the forums! And Fans! My ads will also be clicked by the visitors giving me even more AdReveneu!

And Tom in my defence is a pretty nice fella! Reads all his PM's from his loyal visitors and so on. But dont worry i dont realy see Tom like this godly being but more like a Boss in a big Company.

Get over yourself dude. :S


vette track, maar je website zuigt n beetje. ik zie alleen een wit scherm met een audio spoor en onderaan (hhheeeeleeee mmmaaaal onderaan) een gastenboek

Yep ik weet het :P

Wait, is Tom using that song in a project of his? It is very important that we reserve it for McFargles, afterall thats what im paying you for lololol

I honestly dont know what he's going to do with the song. You should ask him i guess?