I did all i could. Man not completlty happy. But its something right?
I am a electronica music producer, Comic Artist and a Front End Webdeveloper!!!
Age 36, Male
FrontEnd Webdev
Netherlands - Born@Haiti
Joined on 1/4/08
Posted by YouriX - April 29th, 2011
I did all i could. Man not completlty happy. But its something right?
Posted by YouriX - April 6th, 2011
Trying to get my webcomic more known to the internetz is becoming very very hard to achieve. So i asked my listeners if they could help. One of them was nice enough to make a promotion vid. Wich is actually really funny. Well atleast to me. ;)
BowserThedestructive.newgrounds.com made this:
I find this really sweet of him. Trying to help me out this way. Maybe it wil help maybe it wont who knows!
Anyways i am also planning on uploading some of my songs on Youtube. Maybe this way my webcomic will get more spread around the internet :)
Also as Tom mentioned Pico day is on 30 April. So i also am planning on entering this contest this way i might get a chance to spread the knowledge about my webcomic! (Yes im obsessed about my work).
Anyways i wish you animators already succes on your animation/game.
Youri Jourdain
Posted by YouriX - March 22nd, 2011
Finally!! At last! My web-comic is ready!!
To some of you nothing special. To me? A new and a wonderful beginning. Updating the comic every Friday might not be a problem nor is the drawing of the comic a tedious task. The hard part will be promoting it. Yes! This is where a lot of web-comic artists fall flat on there faces not having enough viewers.
Now some artists might say "I just do it for myself". Which is actually a lame excuse. You upload a pic every week in a place where millions of people can look at your scribbles.
Is like a girl who has fake big boobs and pixy dust sprinkled all over it and acting like its something she did because it might improve her life. (Which sometimes actually does). Still she did it not for herself really, but to be liked by others. So she's basically living in a big fat booby lie.
Me? I'm honest. I do it because i like it when people enjoy my music and art. Kinda weird huh? You see i am one of those born entertainers who just find pleasure in making people smile. Cliche? Maybe, I honestly don't care. Just visit my website already: www.yourix.nl
A collab i did with 2Dpolygon check it out! AntiHero
Posted by YouriX - March 3rd, 2011
Well i am still busy with the comics. And i like where its heading. I have a BUNCH of ideas. But its hard to proces them in real life. Is like converting a file format. Even when its finished converting its still not like the original file. The same goes for my ideas/jokes.
So i redo alot of my drawings, or scrap alot of them away. I am seriously taking this webcomic to the next level! Still i have no plans to live from this hobby. I love drawing and i love making up stories even more! But living from it now is not a good idea i still need to finish my education.
I live in a very crummy apartment, and have a really suckish job. So im not really living but surviving. Anyways enough of about that.
The COMIC!! What is it about? Well to put it in one sentence. "Is me telling random stories and jokes". Of course you'll see a bunch of charaters doing random things. I really hope you like it and maybe even love it ;)
Well see you in over two weeks! And dont worry i wont be updating a biweekly comic but a weekly ;)
Youri Jourdain
Here is a sneak preview! :)
Posted by YouriX - January 5th, 2011
Yoink made a pretty cool and funny game!
2010 Achievements
Yeah yeah its been done to death. But i enjoy reading what my favourite or other artists have achieved or done in 2010 that was worth mentioning. So i thaught other people might like to know also what i did. :)
Anyways! My achievements of 2010! I have to say alot has happend that year that pretty much changed me and made me confident in my work!
Number 7. I got in the Top5 and a bunch of times in the Top30! This gave me alot of exposer! And new fans! So that is a achievement worth mentioning!
Number 6. My songs got used in Movie flash submissions! That is the number one reason i even bother to upload songs on to the AP(Audio Portal). So that flash animators or game designers can use my songs for there awesome projects! If you have a special request. i am more then happy to help! However my expertice are in action based music like Drum And Bass but! I can still wip out a soothing ambient song ;)
Madness: Ascend my number one fav :P
Song: MachinRAa Black Steel
I need a Champion
Song: Gods Fist
Madness Revive
Song: Anger Inside
There are more! But listing them all will take some time so i might do that later ;)
Number 5. Won third place in Quarl's Drum and Piano contest(Scroll down to see results). To me its special becuase it was my first music contest that i won. <3
You could say this contest boosted me to the next level.
Before that i didnt make note worthy songs. But this time i put some work into it! So since then i became more confident in my work and strived to become better, so yeah this Achievement has a warm place in my heart. <3 <3 <3 :D
Number 4. Won first place!! In RAC(Represent a country) contest. I represented my birth country Haiti! Yep i am very happy about this one! Becuase i became NUMBER 1!! In a contest! That means that i defeated everybody!!!!. That thaught alone makes me sooo happy its totally worth mentioning this!! God! no wonder the regulars in the audio forum think that im a arrogant prick i did alot of wicked junk! XD
Song here! Its a BreakCore Dnb song maybe not much of your taste since its a very experimental music piece something you would never hear in your lifetime. ;)
Number 3. My first madness submission got frontpaged! I spend sleepless nights making this cartoon and weeks making the main song! And all was worth it afterall! Man i have to add Madness Day in 2010 was sure a super good year to me! :D
Number 2. Is one of my most favourite achievements! Why? because of the fact that one of my songs got in a XBOX360 game! I think i pretty much told all my friends including my mom about the fact that i have a song in a console game! Yeah its a indie product. But still a achievement worth mentioning! The only downside is that i dont get royalties. I did get paid though! And i will ofcourse be credited. It is however understandble!! It is after all made by one dude and not a company like The Behemoth or Rareware. So thats why it got second placed.
Number 1. Wow this one i like alot! I love this Achievement sooo much i could marry it! This one is awesome in so many levels! I cant believe it still to this day!
One The game was made by two NG admins i admire MindChamber(For his Art) and Tom Fulp(For his programming)!
I am not a greedy money hugger but believe me, if you are in a state where you have to work two jobs so you can eat and sleep under a roof any kind of money is welcome!
My song wich is my best work to date! Got used in in this awesome game called Madness Hydraulic!!!
The song even won second place! In the MadnessDay music contest!! :D
Posted by YouriX - December 8th, 2010
Yep! I am happy to announce that one of my songs got on the Top5 this week. Pretty happy about it! Since i am planning on making a animation based on that song.
Song here!
On to the updates. I have been planning some pretty cool projects that will take a long time to make... D:
Still im looking forward to finishing them.
1. Make (non)interactive webcomics. Since i want to make a webcomic i thaught it would be cool to make a webcomic where you can interact with the charactetrs and influence there life and so on.
You see ive been learning some really cool flash tricks so this wont be really hard to make. It will only take loads of time. :(
Ofcourse there will be those that you just simply read for enjoyment.
Like Blix Blazer. This webcomic has been dead to long i want and will revive it!
Here are some skecthes of the main character "Bliky" Now i know it looks waay to chibi, but im going to fix that. Or atleast try. You see i want to be original and develope my own style so it will take a while before im happy with the results or just give up and make chibi like comics :(
2. Color this world Animation music video. This will take even longer to make! Oh God what did i get myself into!! D:
Read all about it here!
3. My album "The Awesome Hero Of Drum And Bass" This could take a good while to make. I am leaving this on the bottom of my list. I already started making two demos. So 8 more songs to go ;)
These Demo's are uploaded in my Alts accounts. I dont like uploading demos on my main account :P
Color this world DRUMSTEP RMX
The DreamStepper
This album will ofcourse be for free on my website www.yourix.nl . But i will put a cute little donation button right next to it ;)
Hey i gotto eat somehow :P
Lets summarise it a bit ;)
- Upgrade Main Website and its content
- Animate big animation project
- Finish my Album
This is it for now see you over two weeks!! ;)
Posted by YouriX - November 16th, 2010
I already got a job now. But a few months ago i was short on money. This never happens but i needed a new bed and help my mom with her rent. Because she is also short on money and lives on a island called Curacao and if your short on money there, hell will be guaranteed.
But out of nowhere i recieved an email with the money deposited in my paypal acount. From winning the contest and the ad reveneu from the game. God! I could kiss these two guys!
Im still short on money to be honest but i'll survive. So dont worry all of you ;)
But just wanted to say.. Thank you guys!!! <3
Another Subject: Animation Project
I am going to make the "Original" Color This World animation.
I made the Madness version and got frontpaged.
So i might get lucky again with the original, however. I will do it a little diffrint.
I got me some good musicians together and let them remix the song that plays in the Madness animation.
The original song is a Drum N Bass song (TranceStep).
But i got me now ProgressiveTrance remixes to IDM! From other music artist!
So this is the plan.
COLOR THIS MAD WORLD (ProgrssiveTrance RMX) By: Dj InTheDark
COLOR THIS MAD WORLD (Breakbeat RMX) By: Tzunami
More info in this thread
P.S I will make a better pic then this one ;)
Posted by YouriX - October 26th, 2010
It happens waaay to much that people confuse some of my songs to Dubstep even though i mainly make DrumStep.
But on the otherside i cant blame you it does sound alot like Dubstep but sped up. And that´s what it is! Also DrumStep is more instrumental. Its pretty much Drum And Bass with a Dubstep beat pattren and Wobble basslines.
So until a admin decides to add a Drumstep gerne to the list in the AudioPortal. I am going to upload all my DrumStep Junk to the Dubstep category.
MindChamberMadnessDEMO (This is uploaded to my ALT account)
Blue NIghtmare
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Also on the Top30!!
Posted by YouriX - October 9th, 2010
Do you think your man enough to animate it? You could even win the holloween contest with it. Who knows?
Anyways to my updates!
I made a youtube account and uploaded a few of my animation. Take your time to watch and enjoy them okay? ;)
Thanks! <3
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This vid does not come from my account but its a song i remixed for a guy. I will soon animate it and upload it on my account.
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